Note: Standalone, as in not integrated in other platforms, solutions, apps, whatnot. If you integrate two apps, you will want to integrate their security as well, mmmkay?
The setting: Saiku is an awesome-looking, relatively fast OLAP analyzer. It’s shipped within Pentaho, but you can get it by itself, too. The logic is the same: set the Java path, fire up the server, and ahoi slices and dices!
The problem: In our internal CRM, the security is already taken care of, we no need additional Spring security. So I want the security be gone. Here is how.
1. The first step is well-explained on Saiku’s support page, it’s just kind of hidden in the middle of the comment flood.
This method works for me
step 1. change applicationContext-saiku-webapp.xml:
<security:intercept-url pattern="/rest/**" access="IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY" /> <security:intercept-url pattern="/json/**" access="IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY" />
step 2. add property allowAnonymous in saiku-beans.xml
<bean id="sessionService"> <property name="authenticationManager" ref="authenticationManager" /> <property name="allowAnonymous" value="true" /> </bean>
2. The second step, to remove the window itself, is also in one of the threads, also rather straightforward:
just comment the last if in settings.js like this
//if (window.location.hostname && (window.location.hostname == “” || window.location.hostname == “” )) { Settings.USERNAME = “admin”; Settings.PASSWORD = “admin”; //}
Ta-dah! No more authorization issue. Then in two weeks you will discover the magic of user schemas and multi-tenant reporting and want to undo the whole process.
Conclusion: Now you know how to remove Saiku security.
and did you by any chance try to integrate saiku with some external SSO like keycloak ?
We are working with that for at least two weeks and in every scenario the default login form keeps popping up :/